; ADDING NEW STOPS TO THE PEDAL LIST ; RULES ; 1) a line starting with ";" is a comment ; 2) All added stop must be in the folder 001512, use a copy if the stop belongs to an other sampleset ; 3) The names in this file must contain only a...z, A...Z, 1....9, space and underscore ; 4) For mutations, the name can end with 2-2/3, 1-3/5 ... but in 001512 - and / must be removed and become 223, 135 ... ; 5) The name in the folder 001512 must be the same but a space must be replaced by underscore ; 6) The name must be unique, must not exist in the pedal list ; 7) Do distingish new stops you can add a # at the begining of the name. The # will not be displayed in Hauptwerk ; The following stops are synthetized 32 feet stops. #Horn 32 #ContraBombarde 32